Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Full Overdrive

Day two, and I am so tired! Though, it probably hasn't helped that I have been in front of the computer quite a bit today.

The girls are doing really good - suprisingly, the spats that marks the norm are seemingly ebbing away. Or, maybe that's my rose colored glasses? Either way, they are getting along, and playing quite well together, which always makes a momma's heart proud. My #1 rule is NO NEGATIVE. I don't want attitude, sass, complaining. Period. They are doing pretty good with that, too.

This week, I have had to sort of just find things for them to do - each evening, put together a pack of stuff for them to work on. It isn't impressive, but at least they are disciplining themselves to do it. They are following the no tv, no computer, no wii, and no ds until 5:00pm rule fairly well. Oh, Amanda is now asking Kaitlyn to "play school" LOL! The curriculum is supposed to be here by the end of the week.

I look forward to getting in the swing of things - this getting used to a new schedule is sort of stressful!

Also, this week, we are working on getting the room together - tonight we pick up the hutch!